Monday, October 11, 2004

Preach on Brother.... 10-11-2004

Well, it's Sunday and unlike the weekends before this is pretty easy to write. You see, I feel like I did this one year two weeks before Christmas when these mother F'ers broke my car window and stole my nieces and nephews Christmas presents. Everything was all set. I was done, just out enjoying football, and wham!!! They break my window I have to drive in 10 degrees to a police station and explain what Barbie and Blues Clues doll got stolen to a NYCPD who has no time for me. Then I had to go buy all the same stupid presents in a totally packed mall, what a pain in the ass. What does this have to do with football? Well, we were ROBBED LAST NIGHT!!! Because last night was Christmas, packed house, night game at the Swamp, the all blue uniforms and a SEC rival in the house STARTING A FRESHMAN QUATERBACK!!! So what happens? Zook and his cronies get embarrassed by a sad LSU team. They couldn't move the ball all year!!!

There can not possibly be a Zook supporter left. People last week finally said what this web site has been saying for years - Zook's team has no killer instinct. His response, "that's all talk." Well, he got that right. Zook, we call that the truth.

I could sit here and say a bubble screen in your own end zone is idiotic. That not throwing a Hail Mary on the last play is JUST PLAIN QUITING!!! I could say that LSU ran the same play 7 times on one drive and drove 71 yards. I could say that these super recruits he got on the defensive line are undersized and underachievers except for McDonald. I could bitch about our defensive backs being flat footed in that crappy zone, but I have to watch NFL Prime Time. The horrible play calling was completely obvious on both sides of the ball on almost every play. It was piss poor and embarrassing. He should apologize to Florida Fans.

The Gators are a horribly coached team. HORRIBLY.

My wife said to me, "I could tell by your face. You would not let yourself hope with those early touchdowns, you knew, you knew we would lose, and it was good you did because it would have been so much worse if you didn't." I feel for all those Gators who didn't. I talked to them all at flag football today. I had one guy promise me he would buy a shirt today. It has to be over. There is no way it goes another year. The Swamp used to be a nightmare for SEC teams. Now it's a spot to see some pretty girls in tank tops and to have a victory party. The mystique is dead. Now that sign on the wall is just a reminder of days gone by. It is a tribute to the memory of the power of that place. Especially a night game at that fantastic stadium and that super loud crowd. It's all gone now.




They should change the sign in the Swamp to "This is Bubble Screen Country."

If they sign him for another year I told my boy today, I am not doing this anymore. I can watch him this year and that's it. I mean, did you hear the half time interview?

Well here it is. This is not the drunken ramblings of a homeless man on Depot Road. This is the head football coach at the University of Florida:

Erin Andrews ESPN: "Well coach Marcus Randall comes in and gives LSU quite a boost. What kind of adjustments do you need to make?"

Ron Zook Unqualified Head Football Coach at The University of Florida: "Well you know we just got to play, we got to get into that situation, we're gonna be in that situation, there's no question being in that situation during a game. Our guys gotta play. I mean, you know it's just, ah, you know, we can't freeze up. We got, we can't be afraid to come after them and do the things we do. We can't, you know you get into those situations you got to be able to play 'em."

Erin Andrews: "You said one area you need to address is consistency on the offense. What do you tell them in the locker room?"

Ron Zook: "Well I think we're, we're, we are starting to go there a little bit. And I, and I think that's (LSU) a good defense and they play well and the only thing we said hey you, you gotta be patient, don't go panic, just be patient. Startin' to run the ball a little bit now and kinda keep plugging away."

CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS??? He looked confused and panicked. He needs to be fired. He is a moron. THIS IS LEADERSHIP??? What do you think Booby Stoops said walking out or Pete Carroll? Our team seriously lacks a killer instinct. They are sloppy and they do not improve at all. Our coach lacks any accountability at all. EXCUSES, EXCUSES, EXCUSES!!!

Where is Susan Powter, that bleach blonde crazy lady who use to sell some ridiculous diet on infomercials? We need her to yell her catch phrase in Jeremy Foley's office "STOP THE INSANTIY"

That is what this is - insanity.

We have no second half offense.

Even Foley will have to end this.


Let's see how much we improve this week!!! YAAY!!!!


Mike in NYC